Friday, February 13, 2009

Lets Just Throw Money at a Huge Problem and hope it goes away.

America, The Capalist Mecca of the world, has approved a bill to go to President Obama to sign for a 787 Billion Dollar stimulas package. Did any of the people who approved the bill even read it? Americans are always looking for a quick fix to whatever problems may arise but throwing billions of dollars that we dont have on a problem that we caused ourselves is not going to fix the probelm. The true probelm that we are facing is that "The Invisible Hand" is being held by our government, when the free market should be, well.... free. America whether anyone likes it or not is a capatalist society, therefore we should not be letting our government jump in the arena to bail out private banks and the all powerful automobile industy. Our county may be in a small slump but it is not nearly as bad as the great depression. Here is an unbaised article from the NY Times citing the congressional approval of a bill that we will not be able to pay back for generations.

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