Friday, February 27, 2009

All Hail Obama

Obama’s Energy Future was an editorial article published in the New York Times. The article is aimed almost directly at supporters of President Obama with a dim view of the previous President to help emphasize the points.
The article starts off by pointing out how politicians on the campaign trail make promises to the people and then accomplish none of them. President Obama’s main promises were concerning energy, health care, and education; the main focus in the article being energy. President Obama is being praised over making a decision with no backing for congress or legislature to support his views or ideas. President Obama’s economic recovery package is supposed to devote 80 billion dollars to the energy problems we are facing.
This article seems to me just to be another bash against the former President while praising the current one. President Obama may actually be pushing his agenda and getting American to start to see things about our energy crisis more clearly but even as the writer of this article states President Nixon tried o do the same thing with America’s dependency of foreign oil. Which is still a major concern is the U.S.
The article goes on to praise the President for giving speeches about the profits to be gained by American industries and workers if the America took the lead in manufacturing more efficient means of energy. While I believe that all the problems need to be addressed seriously I have heard enough talk and demand action.

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